Saturday, 1 May 2010

Argentina Marriage Decision Postponed.

Monitoring the progress of marriage equality in Argentina is like watching a tennis match, with the initiative going alternately with supporters and opponents. The parliament was due this week to debate a proposal to approve both marriage and adoption for same sex couples, but this was unexpectedly delayed. There's nothing sinister in this though - they simply ran out of time, with a tax bill squeezing it out.  The debate has now been rescheduled for next week Wednesday..

From On Top magazine:

Argentine Lawmakers Postpone Gay Marriage Debate

Gay rights proponents in Argentina's Chamber of Deputies (la Camara de Diputados) failed to gain sufficient support to open debate on a gay marriage bill Wednesday, but lawmakers say they'll hold a special session next Wednesday.
“It's very painful,” Cesar Cigliuti, president of Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (Homosexual Community Argentina), told EL COMERCIO. “We had every confidence it would move forward. We felt we were going to live a historic moment. But we hope that next Wednesday we will make the initial approval.”
A polarizing tax debate elbowed out discussion of the gay marriage bill, which received the approval of a key committee two weeks ago.
In an interview with Ultimo Minuto, National Deputy Vilma Ibarra confirmed that the majority party had agreed to hear the bill next week.
(Read the full report)

1 comment:

  1. Hawaii has moved in the right direction.

    My coming out 1997, as a gay Catholic priest was not about me. Like Galileo, all I have is a little piece of truth about the facts of growing up gay.

    Marriage Equality will not become a reality until people learn that its most vital purpose is that it restores the hope of love to children in early childhood essential to their development and wellbeing for life. Without Marriage Equality we teach children how to hate love and how to be mean and indifferent to people as adults. With all due respect, without Marriage Equality we would teach them in much the same way as has been shown by Benedict XVI and the hierarchy, especially in their lack of care and protection of children for decades.

    Benedict XVI and the hierarchy failure to accept responsibility for decades of child sexual abuse cover-ups have finally caught up with them. These last couple of months have been and continues to be a critical time to put out valid information about human sexuality, to be the voice of sanity and clarity and not allow misinformation about sexual orientation to be associated falsely with the child sexual abuse cases and cover-ups that are overwhelming the Church at the highest level right now. It is possible that campaigns against Marriage Equality have been a vehicle to convey certain people into political office as well as to maintain cover-ups in the Church hierarchy regarding decades of child sexual abuse. Moreover, the misuse of Marriage Equality can be severely harmful to children who grow up to be gay. Some Church and State leaders can be so inhuman in their efforts to gain power that they tend to care less that kids are being hurt!!!

    Fr. Marty Kurylowicz, Thalamus Center, Early Childhood Psychological Development – Canton MI
